Blogs (also known as weblogs) are a form of online journal or diary, and are one of the earliest applications of the World Wide Web. They are often written in a highly informal style, and usually consist of discrete entries (called “posts”) which are typically displayed in reverse chronological order.
Blogging has become a popular way of sharing information and ideas with others. It can also be an effective marketing tool, particularly when combined with social media tools such as Facebook, Twitter, and Google+.
The best blogs feature a user-friendly interface, easy to navigate navigation, and the ability to post photos, videos, and other media content. In addition, most feature a social network-style feed where visitors can subscribe to receive notifications when new content is added.
A blog is a website or web page that contains regularly updated material, such as text, photos, video, and audio. These may be updated in real time or as frequently as daily.
Most blogs are written in text format, although a small percentage are created using multimedia such as audio or video. Many feature an XML file which is a machine-readable version of the content that can be indexed and repurposed for further distribution on the web.
The aforementioned XML file is typically structured using an XML based content management system (CMS), such as Drupal or WordPress, to facilitate publishing and editing. Most also incorporate a social networking component through a widget or plugin to enable users to share their blog entries on social media websites such as Facebook and Twitter.