Why I Like To Blog

December 10, 2020


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Why do you like to blog? Well, there are a ton of reasons and they range from personal to business reasons but all blogs have one thing in common. Whether you love to read blogs, create them yourself or read other peoples blogs they all serve a purpose. They allow the writer to express themselves in a sense that nothing else does.

Some bloggers may prefer to blog about themselves and others prefer to blog about other people or things in their world. The most popular type of blog is the personal blog. Personal blogs are very easy to start up and can be updated on a daily basis. In some cases a blogger can have multiple blogs and update them all at once.

Blogging is sort of like writing a journal or diary. It is a way for people to document their lives and thoughts by using words, phrases and expressions that they are most comfortable with. Many times bloggers share what they are doing, places they are going and other thoughts they have on a daily basis with those they share their blogs with. For instance, if someone is writing about their daily life and what they are doing during the day they could put up a blog that talks about what they are doing during those times.

Some bloggers have a specific niche. For example, some bloggers might be more interested in specific types of animals. If a blogger has a hobby such as playing a lot of sports, they could talk about their favorite sports team. Others might be more interested in a particular genre of music or a few movie stars. There are a variety of different blogs available for any type of niche that a person would like to explore.

Many bloggers choose to use a free platform such as WordPress to host their blogs. WordPress also allows many bloggers to choose a specific niche or sub-niche to talk about. The reason why WordPress is so popular amongst bloggers is because it is very easy to use and there are literally thousands of themes to choose from.

In order to start blogging you need a blog platform, WordPress obviously fits this bill. Another great reason why WordPress is so popular is because it is very easy to customize the look and feel of your blog. You can do this by adding fonts, colors and other graphics that you want. If you’re a visual person and enjoy making your own websites WordPress really helps you when it comes to coming up with a unique looking blog. Another thing that is great about WordPress is that there are forums that allow you to interact with other bloggers, which is definitely a big plus.

A third blogging program that is gaining in popularity is Blogger. Blogger started out as a simple blog that allowed people to find other people to follow and get advice from. Over the past few years it has evolved into a full blown website platform with millions of users and hundreds of blogging tools that allow you to build, update and manage your blog. As with most things, the more flexible it is the better and if you have the money and want to jump in right now then Blogger is probably the best blogging program for you.

Hopefully this article gave you a little insight into the world of blogging and explained why some people like to blog and why others don’t. If you’re someone who enjoys to blog then start experimenting with some different content formats. I personally like to use a combination of RSS feeds and regular text posts but that is just my preference. There are literally thousands of different types of blogs available, so you’ll never get bored with the variety. Finally, one last thing to remember if you want to make money with blogging and increase traffic to your website remember that it really does depend on how much content you are willing to put out there. If you have a lot of content published on your blog then the chances of getting found in search engines like Google and Yahoo are pretty good.