Basically, a chatbot is an automated piece of messaging software which makes use of AI to interact with humans. Chat Bots are generally programmed to know specific questions, deliver answers, and perform specific tasks automatically. From a consumer’s point of view, they’re a very accessible and friendly time-saver for those who need them. From an enterprise’s point of view, chat bots can be extremely helpful in keeping staff productive and on-task. They can also be a great way to replace human support staff, or to allow a team to collaborate more effectively and be more versatile.
Of course, not all chat bots are created equal. There are chat bot developers who have spent years improving and expanding the programs which are available on the market today. These developers have worked diligently to make the programs as chat bot friendly as possible, while still retaining the ability to connect with individuals to complete their conversation. As a result, there are now many conversational marketing lead generation systems available. Some of these are stand alone programs that you simply plug and play into your website or blog.
Other chat bot products are designed to be integrated into existing websites. For example, there are now live chatbot software packages which include a chat application, a bot architecture solution, and related SEO and content management solutions. This allows marketers and other webmasters to get the most from their website’s traffic. When a person logs into a website, the chatbot instantly engages the user and starts a live conversation. It is the perfect complement to an existing blog, forum, or other web based dialogue.
If you want to get started with chatting online right away, you need a chatbot builder. There are a number of different types of chatbot builders available for both Facebook and Twitter. There is also software available for Google+. Each of these programs is designed to give you all of the tools you need to start creating automated conversations with Facebook and Twitter customers. In addition to having the chatbot architecture system already built in, each program will give you a welcome message, bot customization options, profile settings, and a place to sign up for a free account.
In general, the Bot Framework and ChatBot developers are very similar. There is only one major difference: the scope of the project. The Facebook chatbot builders provide a basic platform where you can develop your first bot. However, the scope of the project is much wider with Bot Framework. The framework allows you to develop very complex conversational interfaces, such as one-on-one virtual meetings and real-time video chats with your Bot, all from your website.
Many of the chatbot examples on Facebook and Twitter are standalone products which are not dependent upon the original chatbot implementation. These bots are typically higher quality than pre-installed chatbot programs that come pre-configured with Facebook and/or Twitter. Most of these bots are not overly complex, but still offer a good level of functionality and are easy enough for beginners to use. Bot Framework offers developers a chance to create highly advanced bots which are not found in the pre-installed examples.
With the exception of chatbot software written in PHP or Java, most bot platforms are web based. Some web based chat bots are more elaborate and allow for advanced interaction through chat windows, while others have a basic text-based interface. Some popular examples include Facebook’s chatbot, Spideog, and Yahoo’s bot, Echobot. While web based chat bots offer the most interactivity, there are other methods for hot deployment. These include SMS, MMS, and infrared communications which allow for direct bot deployment to mobile devices.
As technology continues to evolve, chat Bots are likely to take on new roles. We already saw the rapid rise of social networking, and now we are seeing chat Bots take on other roles in e-commerce. It is inevitable that as our technology grows, so will chat Bots and we will witness a long way towards progress. Chat Bots are a great way to stay up-to-date with what is going on around the world and with a simple click of a button one can access these powerful and useful communication tools.